2018 Liebster Award Nominee. I humbly accept!

by Willy Burden

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It took me by surprise when I was nominated by Marlena from Let’s Drink Coffee for the 2018 Liebster Award! If you’re a coffee lover, you need to check out her blog!  She is a connoisseur of coffee and writes all about it.  Definitely worth following her!

So, What is the Liebster Award?

The Liebster Awards are an Australian internet-based initiative which dates back to 2011. The term Liebster is a German word  that means sweetheart, darling, beloved or favorite. This award is a pay it forward concept where bloggers give other bloggers recognition and hopefully a little more exposure.

Liebster Award Rules

Once nominated a few rules need to be followed if the nomination is accepted. Post a blog on your website including the following information:

• Thank the blogger that nominated you and link to their blog.

• List the Liebster Award 2018 rules in your blog post.

• Nominate 5 to 10 bloggers that inspire you with great content and let them know.

• Answer the 11 questions set by your nominator and provide new creative questions for those you’ve nominated.

• Link to the original Liebster Award 2018 post tagged here.

• Comment on the original Liebster Award 2018 post with a link to your post.

My Answers to Marlena’s Questions

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?


If money was no object, where would you go on vacation?

I would take about 2 months off and visit all of Europe!

What would be your ideal Saturday morning?

Sleeping in until 11 a.m. with no one demanding my attention, a quiet house, breakfast in bed, and catching up on reading a book or watching a movie.  One can dream!

What is one thing you hope to do next year?

I hope to be less reactive and more proactive!

What is one food you could eat and probably not grow tired of?

Filipino food is my go to comfort food.  I can eat Sinigang (a meaty soup base with veggies) 3 meals a day.

Do you prefer reading or watching TV/movies?

Hmmm…This is a tie breaker.  I like to do both!  I like reading books before watching the TV/movie version.  It’s interesting how movie directors adapt the books to the screen.

What’s your least favorite chore and why?

Cleaning the bathrooms is not my favorite because, well, I don’t like cleaning up pee and poo.

What do you find most challenging about blogging?

Finding the time and learning how to be patient in the process.

How long have you been a blogger?

Less than a year.

Where do you feel the most relaxed?

In my home.  I feel like I can let my hair down, stay in pajamas, and not have to brush my teeth.  I have no one to impress.

My Nominations:

Christine & Jaymi at The Salty Mamas

Dara & Emily at Stay at Homies

Jennifer at Goldfish and Chicken Nuggets

Monica at Momma Meets World

Jenny at An Artfully Lived Life

My Questions For Nominees:

What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite book?

You’ve had a tough day.  What do you do to unwind?

What makes you feel alive?

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

Your house is on fire.  What are the first 3 things you grab before you escape?

Why did you decide to blog?

What is your favorite quote?

What is one piece of advice you would give to your 20-year old self?

What is one characteristic about you that you are most proud of?

Congratulations to all Liebster Award 2018 nominees around the world. Initiatives like this are an incredible way to discover new blogs, support each other and pay it forward. Good luck everyone!


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